Drew Brees Hosts the Whispering Angel
Celebrity Pickleball Tournament
Benefiting Feeding San Diego
We’re back for another fun day of pickleball!
Join Drew Brees and other celebrity participants at Bobby Riggs to play in a friendly natured Pickleball Tournament. Check back soon for celebrity participants.
The event is sponsored by Whispering Angel benefitting Feeding San Diego.
Alesmith .394 | Corbins Q | Dang Brother Pizza | Feeding San Diego | Four Walls | Grill’n Time | Hendricks / Milagro | ilegal | Jersey Mike’s | Kove | Lia’s Lumpia | Loverboy | Nuttzo | Rambler | Sbicca | Storyhouse Spirits | Tap Truck | The Cottage | Tighties | Volley Tequila Seltzer | Whispering Angel